Exercise Modification Series: Tricep Pushdowns

How Spectrum Sports Modifies Tricep Pushdowns
Jennifer Wells, OTS, Spectrum Sports
April 5, 2024
Exercise Modification Series: Tricep Pushdowns

Jennifer Wells, OTS, Spectrum Sports


April 5, 2024

What Are Tricep Pushdowns?

Tricep pushdowns are a strength exercise that target the primary muscle, the triceps, which are located at the back of the upper arms. 

Tricep strength is important in any movement that involves extending the forearms from the elbow. Building these muscles is important as it is used in many functional daily activities. Simple activities like: closing your car trunk, throwing a ball, or planting in a garden. These everyday tasks could not be performed without help from the triceps.

Performing Tricep Pushdowns Properly

  1. Start by bracing your core
  2. Tuck the elbows in at your sides and position your feet slightly apart
  3. Inhale. Push down with palms down and until the elbows are fully extended but not in a locked position. Try to keep your back as straight as possible as you push down
  4. As you exhale, return to the starting point using a controlled movement

How Spectrum Sports Modifies Tricep Pushdowns

  • Weight: A tricep pushdown is performed with the cable machine typically. The weight can easily be increased or decreased to make the exercise easier or harder.
  • Resistance bands and dumbbells: If the cable machine is not available or you do not have access to one, you can use resistance bands or dumbbells with the same form to be able to complete this exercise.
  • Assistance: To correct form and help push the weight, each coach can assist by placing their hand over the athlete’s to ensure they can start and stop at the correct range for form and safety.
  • Visual demonstrations and verbal instructions

How to Complete at Home

An individual can stand in any area with adequate space to perform tricep pushdowns. For weight you can use a heavier object to push down and work the triceps.

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